感冒 | 發燒 | 抗病毒 | 增強勉疫力 | 祛痰 | 支氣管炎 | 百日咳 | 皰疹 | 肌肉止痛
- 擴香以減低家人或辦公室中互相感染,提升勉疫力。
- 可添加1-2滴在熱水中,深呼吸以改善呼吸道病徵。
- 或直接在枕頭或紙巾上加1-2滴,以改善病徵。
- 在發燒時,可在濕毛巾上添加1-2滴再敷上。
{:}{:en}Ravintsara is a gentler guardian. Compared with similar essential oils such as Eucalyptus and Tea Tree, it smells softer and rounder, with a cool feeling. Use before going to bed is not afraid of being too refreshing and difficult to fall asleep.
Physical benefits
Cold | Fever | Anti-virus | Enhance the power of reluctance | Expectorant | Bronchitis | Whooping cough | Herpes | Muscle pain relief
Suggested usage
- Diffuse incense to reduce mutual infection in family members or in the office, and increase the resistance to the epidemic.
- Add 1-2 drops in hot water and breathe deeply to improve respiratory symptoms.
Or add 1-2 drops directly on pillows or paper towels to improve symptoms. - When you have a fever, you can add 1-2 drops to a wet towel before applying it.