透過經典的印花和獨特的設計來詮釋典型的凝膠指甲顏色,與壓板一起使用。 入門套件一應俱全; 就算是第一次嘗試使用,也能得心應手。
Stamp It! Chic Collection
Fancy-up your typical gel nail colours with fresh prints and unique designs however you wish it to be with our Stamping Plates. Get a Starter Kit as a trial pack; they come with all the tools you need for your first try. It’s fun, creative and gives you the finished-look of a professional salon manicure.
This Stamping Kit includes:
- Chic 03 Stamping Plate
- 4 x 4ml Gel it! Polish in colors
- Bloop Stamper
- Bloop Scraper