{:}{:en}The color of your nails reflects physical problems, so you might as well pay more attention to it during the period of gel nail removal and recuperation.
The following colors of nails or a warning sign of disease on the body.
White: blood deficiency, insufficient blood. The nails change from normal pink to white, or even appear foggy white, the nails thicken for no reason, or appear sunken. Be careful if you have iron deficiency anemia.
Yellow: Damp and hot liver and gallbladder, yellow gallbladder, may also be caused by smoking. If the roots of the nails are pink and the top of the nails are yellow, you may also be careful about diabetes!
Cyan/Purple: When the hands and feet are cold or the weather is too cold, they will turn purple. There may be chills or blood stasis. Women are afraid of cold or menstrual irregularities are more obvious, so blood circulation is not good. If you have this problem for a long time, you need to further check your cardiovascular health.
Black: If it is not onychomycosis, gray colors of nails or serious diseases, the internal organs are very deficient, such as kidney deficiency, etc., seek a doctor as soon as possible.
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